Termeni si Conditii
Romanian version:
Conditii generale pentru cumparaturile efectuate la adresa
electronica www.bodytimero.com
Art.1. Aceste conditii generale au ca obiectiv principal reglementarea relatiilor intre "VI DJI EN EOOD., CUI 202200279, denumita in continuare FURNIZOR si
clientii, denumiti mai jos UTILIZATORI ai magazinului electronic „www.bodytimero.com”, denumit in continuare "VI DJI EN EOOD.
Art.2. Informatia ceruta conform prevederilor Legii privind comertul electronic si ale Legii privind protectia consumatorilor:
Art 2.1 Datele Furnizorului (1):
1. Denumirea Furnizorului: "VI DJI EN EOOD''.
2. E-mail: [email protected],
tel: 0312294756.
3. Inscrieri in diversele registre publice: CUI 202200279.
Art 2.2 Datele Furnizorului (2):
1. Denumirea Furnizorului: "E Foods LTD''.
2.Inscrieri in diversele registre publice: CUI 205574741.
Art.3. Bodytimero.com este platforma pentru comert electronic care poate fi accesata la Internet adresa: http://www.bodytimero.com/ , prin care Utilizatorii pot incheia contracte de vanzare-cumparare, in vederea livrarii produselor oferite de Bodytimero.com, incluzand urmatoarele:
Inregistrarea si crearea unui profil, prin care utilizatorii pot
vedea produsele oferite de Bodytimero.com si pot beneficia de
serviciile suplimentare pentru oferirea de informatii;
Utilizatorii pot vedea toate produsele si pot afla care sunt
caracteristicile acestora, preturile si conditiile de livrare;
Utilizatorii pot incheia contracte de vanzare-cumparare si de livrare
a produselor oferite de Bodytimero.com;
4. Acestia pot efectua
platile prin diferite modalitati de plata, in legatura cu contractele
incheiate cu Bodytimero.com, in functie de instrumentele electronice
de plata implementate de Bodytimero.com;
5. Utilizatorii pot
obtine informatii despre produsele noi oferite de Bodytimero.com;
Pe cale electronica, acestia pot face declaratii legate de incheierea
sau indeplinirea contractelor incheiate cu magazinul Bodytimero.com,
prin intermediul interfetei paginii Bodytimero.com, pe care o pot
accesa pe Internet;
7. Utilizatorii vor fi informati despre
drepturile ce decurg din lege, in primul rand prin intermediul
interfetei paginii Bodytimero.com, pe care o pot accesa pe Internet;
8. Acestia pot insarcina un curier cu efectuarea livrarii
produselor comandate, de la sediul magazinului Bodytimero.com la
adresa indicata de Utilizator.
Art.4. Furnizorul livreaza
produsele si garanteaza drepturile Utilizatorilor prevazute in lege,
actionand cu buna credinta si respectand criteriile si conditiile
adoptate in practica, in dreptul privind consumatori si in cel
comercial, in conformitate cu legislatia din Bulgaria.
Art.5. (1)
Utilizatorii vor incheia un contract de vanzare-cumparare pentru
produsele oferite de Bodytimero.com, prin intermediul interfetei
Furnizorului, care poate fi accesata la pagina acestuia pe Internet,
la adresa: http://www. bodytimero.com. Contractul va fi redactat in
limba bulgara si va fi pastrat in baza de date a Furnizorului.
In virtutea contractului de vanzare-cumparare de produse, incheiat cu
Utilizatorii, Furnizorul se obliga sa livreze produsele si sa faca
transferul proprietatii asupra acestora catre Utilizator, fiind vorba
de produsele alese prin intermediul interfetei. Utilizatorii au
dreptul sa corecteze greselile facute in timpul introducerii
informatiei, cel tarziu inaintea declararii ca vor sa incheie un
contract cu Furnizorul.
(3) Utilizatorii vor plati Furnizorului
pretul produselor livrate, respectand conditiile prezentate pe pagina
magazinului Bodytimero.com, precum si prezentele conditii generale.
Cuantumul sumei de plata corespunde pretului anuntat de Furnizor la
Internet adresa magazinului Bodytimero.com.
(4) Furnizorul
livreaza Utilizatorilor produsele comandate in termenele si in
conditiile determinate de Furnizor pe pagina magazinului
Bodytimero.com si in conformitate cu prezentele conditii
(5) Produsele comandate de Utilizatori vor fi livrate la
sediul magazinului Bodytimero.com. Utilizatorii pot imputernici un
curier, care sa ridice produsele in numele lor de la locul de livrare
si sa le livreze la adresa din Romania indicata de Utilizator.
(1) Utilizatorul si Furnizorul convin ca toate
declaratiile/notificarile facute intre ei in legatura cu incheierea
si indeplinirea contractului de vanzare-cumparare, pot fi facute pe
cale electronica, prin mesaje electronice in sensul Legii privind
documentele electronice si semnatura electronica si conform
prevederilor art.11 din Legea comertului electronic.
(2) Se
presupune de asemenea, ca declaratiile electronice transmise de
Utilizatori pe site, sunt facute de catre persoanele mentionate in
datele furnizate de catre Utilizator, in vederea inregistrarii
acestora, daca Utilizatorul a introdus numele respectiv si parola de
Art.7. (1) Ca sa utilizeze Bodytimero.com pentru
incheierea contractelor de vanzare-cumparare de marfuri, Utilizatorul
va introduce numele si parola de acces la distanta, alese de el.
Numele si parola de acces la distanta vor fi alese de catre
Utilizator, prin inregistrarea on-line pe site-ul Furnizorului,
urmarind procedura indicata in site.
(3) Prin inscrierea datelor
sale cu caracter personal si dupa ce apasa butoanele „Da, accept”
si „Inregistrare”, Utilizatorul practic declara ca cunoaste
conditiile generale, ca este de acord cu acestea si se obliga, in mod
neconditionat, sa le respecte.
(4) Furnizorul confirma
inregistrarea facuta de Utilizator, prin trimiterea unei scrisori la
adresa electronica mentionata de Utilizator. Va fi creat un account
al Utilizatorului si intre el si Furnizorul apar astfel relatii
(5) Inregistrandu-se, Utilizatorul isi asuma
obligatia sa furnizeze date veridice si actuale. In cazul aparitiei
unor modificari, Utilizatorul se obliga sa-si actualizeze intr-un
timp util datele inscrise in timpul procedurii de inregistrare.
Art.8. (1) Utilizatorii vor folosi cu precadere
interfata paginii Furnizorului, in vederea incheierii contractului de
vanzare-cumparare a produselor oferite de Furnizor pe site-ul
(2) Prin intermediul interfetei paginii
Furnizorului, Utilizatorii pot imputernici un curier care sa ridice
produsele comandate de la locul la care au fost livrate – sediul
"VI DJI EN EOOD., si sa le livreze la adresa din Romania,
indicata de Utilizator. .
Art.9. Utilizatorii vor incheia
contractul de vanzare-cumparare cu Furnizorul, conform procedurii
prezentate mai jos:
(1) Se face inregistrarea in Bodytimero.com,
prin inscrierea datelor necesare, daca Utilizatorul se inregistreaza
pentru prima data.
(2) Accesarea sistemului de efectuare a
comenzilor in magazinul Bodytimero.com, se face prin identificarea cu
ajutorul numelui si parolei;
(3) Apoi Utilizatorii vor selecta
unul sau mai multe produse din cele oferite de Bodytimero.com si le
vor adauga in lista produselor care vor fi cumparate.
(4) Apoi
urmeaza selectarea produselor din aceasta lista, cu privire la care
va fi incheiat un contract de vanzare-cumparare.
(5) Se vor
inscrie datele pentru efectuarea livrarii si imputernicirii
curierului care va furniza produsele la adresa din Romania, indicata
de Utilizator;
(6) Apoi urmeaza alegerea momentului si modului de
plata a pretului.
(7) Confirmarea comenzii;
Art.10. (1) Furnizorul si Utilizatorii vor incheia
contracte separate de vanzare-cumparare a produselor, indiferent de
faptul ca au fost selectate printr-un singur mesaj electronic, de pe
aceeasi lista de cumparaturi.
(2) Furnizorul poate livra impreuna
si deodata toate produsele, indiferent de faptul ca acestea au fost
comandate prin contracte de vanzare-cumparare separate.
Drepturile Utilizatorilor referitoare la produsele livrate, vor fi
exercitate pentru fiecare contract de vanzare-cumparare in parte.
Exercitarea drepturilor ce decurg dintr-un contract de
vanzare-cumparare nu se refera si nu au nici un efect asupra restului
contractelor de vanzare-cumparare incheiate in privinta altor
In cazul in care Utilizatorul este in calitate de
consumator in sensul Legii privind protectia consumatorilor,
exercitarea dreptului de a refuza sa indeplineasca contractul de
vanzare-cumparare cu privire la un anumit produs, nu are nici un
efect asupra restului contractelor de vanzare-cumparare incheiate in
privinta altor produse livrate Utilizatorului.
Exercitandu-si drepturile ce decurg dintr-un contract de
vanzare-cumparare, Utilizatorul este obligat sa mentioneze cu
precizie si foarte clar despre ce contract si produs este vorba, din
ce contract ii decurg drepturile.
Art.12. Utilizatorul poate plati
pretul tuturor contractelor deodata cand face comanda sau in momentul
livrarii produselor.
Art.13. (1) Regulile prevazute in titlul
VII din Conditiile generale, se vor aplica numai fata de
Utilizatorii, cu privire la care, in baza datelor mentionate in
legatura cu incheierea contractului de vanzare-cumparare sau in
momentul inregistrarii la Bodytimero.com, se poate face concluzia ca
sunt consumatori in sensul Legii privind protectia consumatorilor,
Legii comertului electronic si/sau Directivei 97/7/CЕ a
Parlamentului European si a Consiliului din 20 mai 1997, privind
protectia consumatorilor, cand este vorba de contracte la
(2) Furnizorul nu ofera si nu realizeaza livrari de
medicamente care se elibereaza cu reteta, pentru care este nevoie de
prescriptia medicului, catre persoane care au calitatea de
consumatori in sensul al.1.
(3) Toate relatiile intre
Bodytimero.com si Utilizatori, sunt reglementate de legislatia din
Bulgaria, aceasta fiind aplicabila litigiilor aparute intre cele doua
Art.14.(1) Caracteristicile principale ale produselor
oferite de Furnizor, sunt descrise in profilul fiecarui produs in
parte, creat pe site-ul Bodytimero.com.
(2) Pretul produselor, in
care sunt incluse toate impozitele si taxele, se determina de catre
Furnizor in profilul fiecarui produs in parte, creat in site-ul
(3) Valoarea cheltuielilor de transport, care nu
sunt incluse in pretul produselor, se determina de catre Furnizor si
se aduce la cunostinta Utilizatorilor in momentul alegerii produselor
pentru care urmeaza a se incheia contractul de vanzare-cumparare;
Modurile de plata, de livrare si de realizare a contractului, sunt
reglementate in prezentele conditii generale si in informatia pusa la
dispozitia Utilizatorului pe site-ul Bodytimero.com al Furnizorului.
(5) Informatia pusa la dispozitia Utilizatorilor, prevazuta in
acest articol, va fi actuala in momentul vizualizarii acesteia pe
site-ul Bodytimero.com al Furnizorului, si poate fi accesata inaintea
incheieri contractului de vanzare-cumparare.
Utilizatorul consimte ca Furnizorul are dreptul sa accepte plati in
avans pentru contractele de vanzare-cumparare incheiate cu acesta si
pentru livrarea produselor.
(2) Utilizatorul este cel care decide
singur daca va plati Furnizorului pretul produselor inaintea livrarii
acestora sau in momentul livrarii.
(3) In cazul in care valoarea
comenzii facute de Utilizator este de 32 000 RON sau depaseste
aceasta suma, plata se va efectua numai prin transfer bancar sau prin
varsarea sumei in contul de decontare al Furnizorului.
Utilizatorul are dreptul sa aleaga: ori sa primeasca marfa personal,
ori sa imputerniceasca un curier, care sa-i livreze marfa si sa
plateasca magazinului Bodytimero.com pretul acesteia.
Utilizatorul are dreptul, fara sa datoreze despagubiri sau penalitati
si fara sa mentioneze vreun motiv, de a renunta la contractul
incheiat, intr-un termen de 7 zile lucratoare care curg din data
primirii produselor.
(2) Dreptul la refuz, prevazut in al.1, nu
se aplica in urmatoarele cazuri:
- in cazul livrarii de produse
sau prestarii de servicii, pretul carora depinde de fluctuatiile
pietelor financiare pe care Furnizorul nu este in stare sa le
- in cazul livrarii unor produse care au fost
fabricate conform cerintelor utilizatorului sau in baza unei comenzi
individuale a acestuia;
- in cazul livrarii unor produse care din
cauza naturii acestora nu pot fi returnate si sunt supuse alterarii
cu usurinta, sau exista riscul inrautatirii calitatii acestora;
in cazul livrarii de inregistrari audio si video sau produse de soft,
ambalajul carora a fost desfacut de utilizator;
- in cazul
livrarii de ziare, reviste sau alte publicatii periodice;
- in
cazul suplimentelor nutritive si/sau suplimentelor utilizate de
sportivi, ambalajul carora a fost desfacut/deschis de catre
(3) In cazul in care Furnizorul nu si-a indeplinit
obligatia de a oferi informatia prevazuta in art. 54 din Legea
privind protectia consumatorului, Utilizatorul are dreptul sa renunte
la contractul incheiat, intr-un termen de trei luni care incepe sa
curga de la data primirii produsului. Daca informatia prevazuta in
prezentul alineat a fost pusa la dispozitia utilizatorului in
perioada in care curge termenul de refuz, acest termen incepe sa
curga din nou de la data la care a fost data informatia.
(4) In
cazul in care utilizatorul isi exercita dreptul la refuz, prevazut in
al.1, Furnizorul este obligat sa-i restituie toate sumele platite de
acesta, intr-un termen maxim de 30 zile calendaristice, incepand cu
data la care utilizatorul si-a exercitat dreptul de refuz la
contractul incheiat. Din suma pe care utilizatorul a platit-o in baza
contractului, vor fi retinute cheltuielile facute pentru returnarea
produsului, cu exceptia cazului in care utilizatorul singur a
returnat produsul si a suportat cheltuielile, aducand acest fapt la
cunostinta Furnizorului.
(5) Utilizatorul se obliga sa pastreze
produsele livrate de Furnizor, calitatea si siguranta acestora in
perioada in care curge termenul prevazut in al.1.
(6) Utilizatorul
isi poate exercita dreptul de refuz la contractul incheiat cu
Furnizorul, adresand Furnizorului, la adresa acestuia mentionata mai
sus, o cerere scrisa.
Art.17.(1) Termenul de livrare a produsului
se determina pentru fiecare produs in parte, in momentul incheierii
contractului cu utilizatorul, prin intermediul site-ului
Bodytimero.com al Furnizorului.
(2) In cazul in care Utilizatorul
si Furnizorul nu au determinat termenul de livrare, termenul de
livrare al produselor va fi de 30 de zile lucratoare‚ incepand cu
ziua urmatoare celei in care utilizatorul a trimis Furnizorului
comanda, prin intermediul site-ului Bodytimero.com al
(3) Daca Furnizorul nu este in stare sa realizeze
contractul din cauza faptului ca nu dispune de produsele comandate,
acesta este obligat sa-l informeze pe Utilizator pentru aceasta
situatie si sa-i restituie sumele platite de acesta, intr-un termen
maxim de 30 de zile lucratoare, incepand cu data la care Furnizorul
trebuia sa-si indeplineasca obligatiile contractuale.
(4) In
cazurile prevazute in al. 3, Furnizorul are dreptul sa livreze
Utilizatorului produse de acelasi tip, pret si de aceeasi calitate.
Furnizorul aduce la cunostinta Utilizatorului aceasta modificare
privind indeplinirea contractului, pe cale electronica.
(5) In
cazul exercitarii dreptului de refuz la contractul de livrare conform
prevederilor al. 4, cheltuielile legate de returnarea produselor vor
fi suportate de Furnizor.
Art.18.Furnizorul se obliga sa respecte
toate prevederile legislatiei bulgare privind etichetarea, reclama si
vanzarea suplimentelor nutritive.
Art.19. (1) Furnizorul va livra si va preda produsul
Utilizatorului in termenul stabilit in momentul incheierii
(2) Daca termenul prevazut in al.1 nu a fost
convenit in mod expres de catre cele doua parti in momentul
incheierii contractului, Furnizorul va livra si va preda produsul
intr-un termen rezonabil, care insa nu poate fi mai lung decat 2
(3) Contractul incheiat intre cele doua parti nu include
efectuarea de livrari in afara sediului Bodytimero.com. Livrarile de
acest tip vor fi efectuate prin imputernicirea unor terte persoane si
anume – a curierilor.
Art.20. (1) Utilizatorul va trebui sa
examineze produsul in momentul livrarii si predarii acestuia de catre
Furnizor, si daca produsul nu corespunde cerintelor, va notifica
prompt acest fapt Furnizorului.
(2) Daca Utilizatorul nu il
informeaza pe Furnizor conform prevederilor al. 1, se considera ca
produsul a fost aprobat, ca acesta corespunde cerintelor
utilizatorului, daca nu are defecte ascunse.
(3) Nu reprezinta
defectiuni ale produselor:
- gustul nespecific al suplimentului
nutritiv si/ sau suplimentului utilizat de sportivi;
- suplimentul
nutritiv si/ sau suplimentul utilizat de sportivi nu se amesteca
suficient de bine inaintea utilizarii acestuia;
- culoarea
nespecifica a suplimentului nutritiv si/ sau suplimentului utilizat
de sportivi;
- gustul suplimentului nutritiv si/ sau al
suplimentului utilizat de sportivi livrat nu coincide cu gustul altor
suplimente nutritive si/ sau suplimente utilizate de sportivi;
daca ambalajul suplimentului nutritiv si/ sau al suplimentului
utilizat de sportivi este prevazut cu mecanisme de deschidere
automata sau facilitata a membranei de protectie;
- termenul de
valabilitate ramas al suplimentului nutritiv si/ sau suplimentului
utilizat de sportivi, cu privire la care, conform circumstantelor, se
poate face concluzia ca este suficient pentru consumatia intregii
cantitati a suplimentului nutritiv si/ sau suplimentului utilizat de
Art.21. Furnizorul nu isi asuma obligatia sa asigure
service-ul necesar in legatura cu produsul.
Art.22. In privinta
problemelor nereglementate in acest titlu, se vor aplica regulile
legate de vanzarile comerciale prevazute in Codul comercial.
Art.23. (1) Furnizorul va
intreprinde masurile necesare privind protectia datelor cu caracter
personal ale Utilizatorului, in conformitate cu prevederile Legii
protectiei datelor cu caracter personal.
(2) Din considerente de
securitate a datelor cu caracter personal ale Utilizatorului,
Furnizorul va transmite datele numai la adresa de e-mail indicata de
Utilizator in momentul inregistrarii acestuia.
(3) Furnizorul are
dreptul de a pastra datele in dispozitivul de comunicare final al
Utilizatorului, cu exceptia cazului in care acesta a declarat in mod
expres ca nu este de acord cu acest lucru.
Utilizatorul/Consumatorul declara ca este de acord ca Furnizorul sa
aiba dreptul sa transmita oricand mesaje electronice
Utilizatorului/Consumatorului, inclusiv buletinul sau ofertele de
vanzare a produselor, in perioada in care Utilizatorul/Consumatorul
este inregistrat la magazinul electronic al Furnizorului.
Utilizatorul/Consumatorul declara ca este de acord ca Furnizorul sa
aiba dreptul sa stranga, sa pastreze si sa prelucreze date privind
comportamentul Utilizatorului/ Consumatorului pe parcursul perioadei
in care acesta beneficiaza de serviciile magazinului electronic al
Art.24. (1) In orice moment, Furnizorul are dreptul
sa ceara Utilizatorului sa se legitimeze si sa ateste veridicitatea
circumstantelor si datelor cu caracter personal declarate in timpul
perioadei de inregistrare.
(2) In cazul in care Utilizatorul si-a
uitat sau si-a pierdut numele si parola, indiferent care a fost
cauza, Furnizorul are dreptul sa aplice „Procedura anuntata privind
numele si parolele pierdute sau uitate”, accesibila la adresa:
http:// bodytimero.com /lostpassword
Art.25.(1) Conditiile generale pot fi
modificate de catre Furnizor si acesta ii va informa despre acest
lucru pe Utilizatorii magazinului Bodytimero.com, prin modalitatile
cele mai potrivite.
(2) Furnizorul si Utilizatorul convin ca
orice modificare sau completare a conditiilor generale va produce
efecte fata de Utilizator in urmatoarele cazuri:
А) in urma
notificarii adresate in mod expres de Furnizor catre Utilizator si in
cazul in care Utilizatorul nu declara intr-un termen de 14 zile ca le
respinge; sau
B) in urma publicarii modificarilor/
pe site-ul Furnizorului si in cazul in care Utilizatorul nu declara
intr-un termen de 14 zile ca le respinge;
C) prin acceptarea
acestora de catre Utilizator, prin intermediul profilului lui pe
site-ul Furnizorului.
(3) Utilizatorul consimte ca toate
notificarile Furnizorului, facute in legatura cu modificarea
prezentelor conditii generale, vor fi trimise la adresa postei
electronice care a fost data de Utilizator in momentul inregistrarii.
Utilizatorul consimte ca pentru mesajele electronice transmise
conform ordinii prezentate in acest titlu, nu este nevoie de
semnatura electronica ca sa produca efecte fata de el.
Furnizorul va publica Conditiile generale la adresa: http://
bodytimero.com/rules, impreuna cu toate modificarile si completarile
Art.27. Conditiile
generale si contractul pe care Utilizatorul l-a incheiat cu
Furnizorul, vor inceta in urmatoarele cazuri:
• in cazul
dizolvarii, lichidarii sau declansarii procedurii de faliment a uneia
dintre partile contractului;
• in baza acordului amiabil facut
in scris intre cele doua parti;
• in caz de imposibilitate
obiectiva a uneia dintre cele doua parti contractante sa-si
indeplineasca obligatiile asumate;
• in caz de confiscare sau
oprire a echipamentului de catre autoritatile competente de stat;
in caz de radiere a registratiei Utilizatorului din site-ul
Bodytiero.com. In cazul acesta, contractele de vanzare-cumparare
incheiate, care insa nu au fost indeplinite, vor ramane in vigoare si
urmeaza sa fie indeplinite;
Apasati AICI pentru mai multe detalii sau urmarati acect text link:
English version:
General Terms and Conditions for Purchases Made at www.bodytimero.com
Art. 1. The main objective of these general terms and conditions is to regulate the relations between "VI DJI EN EOOD., CUI 202200279, hereinafter referred to as the SUPPLIER, and the customers, hereinafter referred to as USERS, of the online store "www.bodytimero.com," hereinafter referred to as "VI DJI EN EOOD."
Art. 2. Information required in accordance with the provisions of the Electronic Commerce Act and the Consumer Protection Act:
Art. 2.1 Supplier Information (1):
- Name of the Supplier: "VI DJI EN EOOD."
- Email: [email protected], phone: 0312294756.
- Registration in various public registers: CUI 202200279.
Art. 2.2 Supplier Information (2):
- Name of the Supplier: "E Foods LTD"
- Registration in various public registers: CUI 205574741
Art. 3. Bodytimero.com is an electronic commerce platform that can be accessed at the Internet address: http://www.bodytimero.com/, through which Users can enter into purchase and sale contracts for the delivery of products offered by Bodytimero.com, including the following:
- Registering and creating a profile, through which users can view the products offered by Bodytimero.com and benefit from additional services for providing information;
- Users can view all products and learn about their characteristics, prices, and delivery conditions;
- Users can enter into contracts for the purchase and delivery of products offered by Bodytimero.com;
- Users can make payments using various payment methods in connection with the contracts entered into with Bodytimero.com, depending on the electronic payment instruments implemented by Bodytimero.com;
- Users can obtain information about new products offered by Bodytimero.com;
- Users can make electronic statements regarding the conclusion or fulfillment of contracts entered into with the Bodytimero.com store through the interface of the Bodytimero.com page, which they can access on the Internet;
- Users will be informed about their rights under the law, primarily through the interface of the Bodytimero.com page, which they can access on the Internet;
- Users can authorize a courier to deliver the ordered products from the Bodytimero.com store's office to the address indicated by the User.
Art. 4. The Supplier delivers the products and guarantees the rights of the Users provided by law, acting in good faith and following the criteria and conditions adopted in practice, in consumer and commercial law, in accordance with the legislation of Bulgaria.
Art. 5. (1) Users will enter into a purchase and sale contract for the products offered by Bodytimero.com through the Supplier's interface, which can be accessed at its Internet page: http://www.bodytimero.com. The contract will be drafted in Bulgarian and stored in the Supplier's database. (2) Under the contract for the sale of products, entered into with Users, the Supplier undertakes to deliver the products and transfer ownership of them to the User, concerning the products chosen through the interface. Users have the right to correct errors made during the information entry process, no later than before declaring their intention to enter into a contract with the Supplier. (3) Users will pay the Supplier the price of the delivered products, following the conditions presented on the Bodytimero.com store page and these general conditions. The amount to be paid corresponds to the price announced by the Supplier at the Internet address of the Bodytimero.com store. (4) The Supplier delivers the ordered products to Users within the terms and conditions determined by the Supplier on the Bodytimero.com store page and in accordance with these general conditions. (5) The products ordered by Users will be delivered to the Bodytimero.com store's office. Users can authorize a courier to pick up the products on their behalf from the delivery location and deliver them to the address in Romania indicated by the User.
Art. 6. (1) The User and the Supplier agree that all statements/notices made between them regarding the conclusion and fulfillment of the purchase and sale contract can be made electronically, through electronic messages in the sense of the Electronic Documents and Electronic Signature Act and according to the provisions of art. 11 of the Electronic Commerce Act. (2) It is also assumed that the electronic statements sent by Users on the site are made by the persons mentioned in the data provided by the User during registration if the User has entered the respective name and access password.
Art. 7. (1) To use Bodytimero.com for entering into contracts for the purchase of goods, the User will enter the name and remote access password chosen by him. (2) The name and remote access password will be chosen by the User by registering online on the Supplier's website, following the procedure indicated on the site. (3) By entering his personal data and pressing the "Yes, I accept" and "Register" buttons, the User practically declares that he knows the general conditions, agrees with them, and unconditionally undertakes to comply with them. (4) The Supplier confirms the registration made by the User by sending a letter to the email address mentioned by the User. A User account will be created, and thus contractual relations will arise between him and the Supplier. (5) By registering, the User undertakes to provide truthful and up-to-date data. In the event of any changes, the User undertakes to update his data entered during the registration process in a timely manner.
Art. 8. (1) Users will primarily use the interface of the Supplier's page to conclude the purchase and sale contract for the products offered by the Supplier on the Bodytimero.com site. (2) Through the interface of the Supplier's page, Users can authorize a courier to pick up the ordered products from the place they were delivered – the office of "VI DJI EN EOOD," and deliver them to the address in Romania indicated by the User. Art. 9. Users will conclude the purchase and sale contract with the Supplier according to the procedure presented below: (1) Registering on Bodytimero.com by entering the necessary data if the User is registering for the first time. (2) Accessing the order system on the Bodytimero.com store by identifying with the name and password; (3) Then Users will select one or more products from those offered by Bodytimero.com and add them to the list of products to be purchased. (4) Then follows the selection of products from this list, for which a purchase and sale contract will be concluded. (5) Entering the data for making the delivery and authorizing the courier who will deliver the products to the address in Romania indicated by the User; (6) Then follows the choice of the moment and method of payment of the price. (7) Confirming the order;
Art. 10. (1) The Supplier and the Users will conclude separate contracts for the sale of the products, regardless of the fact that they were selected through a single electronic message from the same shopping list. (2) The Supplier can deliver all products together and at once, regardless of the fact that they were ordered through separate purchase and sale contracts. (3) The Users' rights regarding the delivered products will be exercised for each purchase and sale contract separately. Exercising the rights arising from one purchase and sale contract does not affect the other purchase and sale contracts concluded regarding other products. If the User is a consumer within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act, exercising the right to refuse to fulfill the purchase and sale contract regarding a specific product does not affect the other purchase and sale contracts concluded regarding other products delivered to the User. Art. 11. Exercising the rights arising from a purchase and sale contract, the User is obliged to mention precisely and very clearly which contract and product it is about and from which contract his rights arise. Art. 12. The User can pay the price of all contracts at once when making the order or upon delivery of the products.
Art. 13. (1) The rules provided in Title VII of the General Conditions will apply only to Users for whom, based on the data mentioned regarding the conclusion of the purchase contract or at the time of registration at Bodytimero.com, it can be concluded that they are consumers under the Consumer Protection Act, the Electronic Commerce Act, and/or Directive 97/7/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 20 May 1997, on consumer protection in distance contracts.
(2) The Supplier does not offer and does not make deliveries of prescription medications, which require a doctor's prescription, to persons who are consumers under par. 1.
(3) All relations between Bodytimero.com and Users are governed by Bulgarian law, which is applicable to disputes arising between the two parties.
Art. 14. (1) The main characteristics of the products offered by the Supplier are described in the profile of each product on the Bodytimero.com site.
(2) The price of the products, including all taxes and fees, is determined by the Supplier in the profile of each product on the Bodytimero.com site.
(3) The value of transport costs, which are not included in the price of the products, is determined by the Supplier and communicated to Users when selecting the products for which the purchase contract will be concluded.
(4) The payment methods, delivery methods, and contract fulfillment are regulated in these general conditions and the information provided to the User on the Supplier's Bodytimero.com site.
(5) The information provided to Users under this article will be current at the time of viewing on the Supplier's Bodytimero.com site and can be accessed before concluding the purchase contract.
Art. 15. (1) The User agrees that the Supplier has the right to accept advance payments for the purchase contracts concluded with him and for product delivery.
(2) The User decides whether to pay the Supplier the price of the products before or at the time of delivery.
(3) If the value of the order placed by the User is 32,000 RON or exceeds this amount, payment will only be made by bank transfer or by depositing the amount into the Supplier's settlement account.
(4) The User has the right to choose: either to receive the goods personally or to authorize a courier to deliver the goods and pay Bodytimero.com for them.
Art. 16. (1) The User has the right, without owing compensation or penalties and without specifying any reason, to withdraw from the concluded contract within 7 working days from the date of receipt of the products.
(2) The right of withdrawal provided in par. 1 does not apply in the following cases:
• for the delivery of products or services whose price depends on fluctuations in the financial markets that the Supplier cannot control;
• for the delivery of products manufactured according to the user's requirements or based on an individual order;
• for the delivery of products that, due to their nature, cannot be returned and are subject to rapid deterioration, or there is a risk of quality deterioration;
• for the delivery of audio and video recordings or software products whose packaging has been unsealed by the user;
• for the delivery of newspapers, magazines, or other periodicals;
• for nutritional supplements and/or supplements used by athletes whose packaging has been unsealed/opened by the User;
(3) If the Supplier has not fulfilled its obligation to provide the information provided in art. 54 of the Consumer Protection Act, the User has the right to withdraw from the concluded contract within three months from the date of receipt of the product. If the information provided in this paragraph is made available to the user during the withdrawal period, this period begins again from the date the information was given.
(4) If the User exercises the right of withdrawal provided in par. 1, the Supplier is obliged to refund all amounts paid by the User within a maximum of 30 calendar days from the date the User exercised the right of withdrawal from the concluded contract. From the amount paid by the User under the contract, the expenses incurred for returning the product will be deducted, except in cases where the User has returned the product at their own expense and notified the Supplier.
(5) The User is obliged to preserve the products delivered by the Supplier, their quality, and safety during the period specified in par. 1.
(6) The User can exercise the right of withdrawal from the contract concluded with the Supplier by sending a written request to the Supplier at the address mentioned above.
Art. 17. (1) The delivery term of the product is determined for each product individually at the time of concluding the contract with the User through the Supplier's Bodytimero.com site.
(2) If the User and the Supplier have not determined the delivery term, the delivery term of the products will be 30 working days, starting from the day after the User sent the order to the Supplier through the Supplier's Bodytimero.com site.
(3) If the Supplier cannot fulfill the contract because they do not have the ordered products, they are obliged to inform the User of this situation and refund the amounts paid by the User within a maximum of 30 working days from the date the Supplier was supposed to fulfill their contractual obligations.
(4) In the cases provided in par. 3, the Supplier has the right to deliver to the User products of the same type, price, and quality. The Supplier informs the User of this modification regarding contract fulfillment electronically.
(5) In the case of exercising the right of withdrawal from the delivery contract under the provisions of par. 4, the expenses related to returning the products will be borne by the Supplier.
Art. 18. The Supplier undertakes to comply with all provisions of Bulgarian legislation regarding the labeling, advertising, and sale of nutritional supplements.
Art. 19.
(1) The Supplier will deliver and hand over the product to the User within the term established at the time of contract conclusion.
(2) If the term specified in par. 1 has not been expressly agreed upon by both parties at the time of contract conclusion, the Supplier will deliver and hand over the product within a reasonable period, but no longer than 2 months.
(3) The contract concluded between the two parties does not include deliveries outside the Bodytimero.com office. Such deliveries will be carried out by authorizing third parties, namely couriers.
Art. 20.
(1) The User must examine the product at the time of delivery and handover by the Supplier, and if the product does not meet the requirements, promptly notify the Supplier.
(2) If the User does not inform the Supplier according to the provisions of par. 1, it is considered that the product has been approved and meets the User's requirements unless it has hidden defects.
(3) The following do not constitute product defects:
• the non-specific taste of the nutritional supplement and/or supplement used by athletes;
the nutritional supplement and/or supplement used by athletes does not mix well enough before use;
• the non-specific color of the nutritional supplement and/or supplement used by athletes;
• the taste of the delivered nutritional supplement and/or supplement used by athletes does not match the taste of other nutritional supplements and/or supplements used by athletes;
• if the packaging of the nutritional supplement and/or supplement used by athletes is equipped with automatic or facilitated opening mechanisms for the protective membrane;
• the remaining shelf life of the nutritional supplement and/or supplement used by athletes, which, based on the circumstances, can be concluded to be sufficient for consuming the entire quantity of the nutritional supplement and/or supplement used by athletes.
Art. 21. The Supplier does not assume the obligation to provide necessary service for the product.
Art. 22. For issues not regulated in this title, the rules related to commercial sales provided in the Commercial Code will apply.
Art. 23.
(1) The Supplier will take the necessary measures to protect the User's personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act.
(2) For the security of the User's personal data, the Supplier will transmit data only to the email address provided by the User at the time of registration.
(3) The Supplier has the right to store data on the User's final communication device unless the User has expressly stated that they do not agree with this.
(4) The User/Consumer declares that they agree that the Supplier has the right to send electronic messages to the User/Consumer at any time, including the newsletter or product sale offers, during the period the User/Consumer is registered with the Supplier's electronic store.
(5) The User/Consumer declares that they agree that the Supplier has the right to collect, store, and process data regarding the User's/Consumer's behavior during the period they benefit from the Supplier's electronic store services.
Art. 24.
(1) At any time, the Supplier has the right to request the User to identify themselves and verify the veracity of the circumstances and personal data declared during the registration period.
(2) If the User has forgotten or lost their name and password, regardless of the cause, the Supplier has the right to apply the "Announced Procedure for Lost or Forgotten Names and Passwords," accessible at: http:// bodytimero.com/lostpassword
Art. 25.
(1) The Supplier can modify the general conditions, and they will inform the Users of the Bodytimero.com store about this in the most appropriate way.
(2) The Supplier and the User agree that any modification or addition to the general conditions will take effect for the User in the following cases:
(A) after being expressly notified by the Supplier to the User and if the User does not declare within 14 days that they reject them; or
(B) after being published on the Supplier's site and if the User does not declare within 14 days that they reject them;
(C) by accepting them by the User through their profile on the Supplier's site.
(3) The User agrees that all notifications from the Supplier regarding the modification of these general conditions will be sent to the email address provided by the User at the time of registration. The User agrees that for electronic messages transmitted according to the order presented in this title, no electronic signature is needed to produce effects for them.
Art. 26. The Supplier will publish the General Conditions at: http:// bodytimero.com/rules, along with all subsequent modifications and additions.
Art. 27. The general conditions and the contract concluded between the User and the Supplier will terminate in the following cases:
• in the event of dissolution, liquidation, or initiation of bankruptcy proceedings of one of the parties to the contract;
• by mutual written agreement between the two parties;
in the event of the objective impossibility of one of the contracting parties to fulfill their obligations;
• in case of confiscation or cessation of equipment by competent state authorities;
• in the event of the deletion of the User's registration from the Bodytimero.com site. In this case, the concluded purchase contracts that have not been fulfilled will remain in force and are to be fulfilled;